February 2005, the Zion Travelers Missionary Baptist Church celebrated its 77th church anniversary. Who would have guessed that a few months later, it would give birth to what is now known as The Passion of Christ 1st Community Church? How is this you may wonder? Well, I’m glad you asked…
The Zion Travelers Missionary Baptist Church family had come to a cross road. Having been in existence for almost 4 score years, providing spiritual training and guidance to many through witnessing and evangelism, having provided both spiritual food and physical food, clothes financial and other assistance to those in need…the time had come for ZT to seek help as well. With little financial support, low attendance, and limited member participation, the time had come for ZT to seek help as well. Under the watchful eye of our illustrious pastor, Bishop R.C. Pritchett, Jr., at the end of March 2005, through prayer and under the guidance of our heavenly father, the ZTMBC family sought the assistance from the Dallas Baptist Association. Having been a member of the association for a little over a year, the idea was presented to pastor Pritchett to re-join the association as a “new start: church. And by doing so, this would give ZT greater access to avenues leading not only financial growth, but to spiritual growth and membership growth as well. Not only within in the church, but in the community as a whole.
The idea was presented to the ZT board of directors by Pastor Pritchett. In his explanation to the board, Pastor Pritchett stated that the idea to dissolve ZT and start over had been in his heart and mind for the previous 2 to 3 years, and that this idea being presented to him at this time was his confirmation from the Lord to do so. The idea was presented to the board and the suggestion was given to “pray about it and return with a decision at the next meeting, but through God’s inspiration, the board decided to vote on that night. And after prayer, the board’s vote on the dissolving of ZT and beginning as a new start church was unanimous. The next thing to do was to come up with a name. The assignment was given for each board member to come up with a name, but before dismal, Pastor Pritchett informed the board that the name he was given was The Passion of Christ. Everyone liked it, and at the next meeting, it was decided that the name would be “The Passion of Christ 1st Community Church”. A general church meeting was then scheduled to present the board’s decision to the general church. And once again, God was in the midst. The idea was accepted whole-heartedly by the congregation and on April 6, 2005, Pastor Pritchett resigned after 30 years as pastor of the ZTMBC, and only 1 month shy of his 30th appreciation service. He was then voted as the Founder and Pastor of the Passion of Christ 1st Community Church and the present board members were installed. New by-laws were established, a mission statement was developed, old accounts closed and new accounts opened, tax compliance information researched and presented to the church and etc… The board worked diligently in dissolving the ZTMBC and in the incorporation of the Passion of Christ 1st Community Church. A new church motto was established; and a new church symbol was created and drawn by Michael Washington, a Paul Quinn College Student and friend and classmate of our own Bro. Jerome Pritchett. Pastor’s vision for the symbol was similar to that of a dove with the olive leaf is represented by the story of Noah as a symbol of peace and a time for a new start. But instead of the olive leaf, it was decided to display the dove holding keys, in representation of the keys to the Kingdom (Matthew 16:19).
On the last Sunday in April 2005, the ZTMBC family had its final service. A program was given that day in which members were given the opportunity to say farewell to Zion travelers. There were tears and there was laughter, but through it all the spirit of the lord was present and there was praise in the temple.
The following Sunday, the church opened its doors as The Passion of Christ 1st Community Church, and on this day former ZT members, as well as new members were given the opportunity to join. On this day, approximately 40 people joined and more followed the Sundays thereafter. The Passion of Christ family has grown and has made its presence known throughout the community and the City of Dallas.